ost::bindings::clustalw Namespace Reference


def ClustalW

Function Documentation

def ost::bindings::clustalw::ClustalW (   seq1,
  seq2 = None,
  clustalw = None,
  keep_files = False,
  nopgap = False,
  clustalw_option_string = False 
Runs a clustalw multiple sequence alignment. The results are returned as a
:class:`~ost.seq.AlignmentHandle` instance.

There are two ways to use this function:

 - align exactly two sequences:
    :param seq1: sequence_one
    :type seq1: :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceHandle` or :class:`str`
    :param seq2: sequence_two
    :type seq2: :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceHandle` or :class:`str`

    The two sequences can be specified as two separate function parameters 
    (`seq1`, `seq2`). The type of both parameters can be either
    :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceHandle` or :class:`str`, but must be the same for
    both parameters.
 - align two or more sequences:
    :param seq1: sequence_list
    :type seq1: :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceList`
    :param seq2: must be :class:`None`
    Two or more sequences can be specified by using a
    :class:`~ost.seq.SequenceList`. It is then passed as the first function 
    parameter (`seq1`). The second parameter (`seq2`) must be :class:`None`.
:param clustalw: path to clustalw executable (used in :func:`~ost.settings.Locate`)
:type clustalw: :class:`str`
:param nopgap: turn residue-specific gaps off
:type nopgap: :class:`bool`
:param clustalw_option_string: additional clustalw flags (see http://toolkit.tuebingen.mpg.de/clustalw/help_params)
:type clustalw_option_string: :class:`str`
:param keep_files: do not delete temporary files
:type keep_files: :class:`bool`

Note: ClustalW will convert lowercase to uppercase, and change all '.' to '-'. 
OST will convert and '?' to 'X' before aligning sequences with Clustalw.

ClustalW will accept only IUB/IUPAC amino acid and nucleic acid codes:

======= ======================= ======= ============================ 
Residue  Name                   Residue  Name 
======= ======================= ======= ============================
   A    alanine                    P    proline
   B    aspartate or asparagine    Q    glutamine
   C    cystine                    R    arginine
   D    aspartate                  S    serine
   E    glutamate                  T    threonine
   F    phenylalanine              U    selenocysteine
   G    glycine                    V    valine
   H    histidine                  W    tryptophan
   I    isoleucine                 Y    tyrosine
   K    lysine                     Z    glutamate or glutamine
   L    leucine                    X    any
   M    methionine                 \*   translation stop
   N    asparagine                 \-   gap of indeterminate length
======= ======================= ======= ============================ 

Definition at line 6 of file clustalw.py.

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