loop - Loop HandlingΒΆ

Tools and algorithms for loop handling. This module provides ways for representation of peptides and to obtain fragments to potentially use as loops. The following example should give you an idea of what can be done:

from ost import io, seq
from promod3 import loop

# load an example structure
prot = io.LoadPDB('data/1CRN.pdb')

# extract some additional information
seqres = ''.join([r.one_letter_code for r in prot.residues])
frag_pos = 35
frag_length = 9
frag_seq = seqres[frag_pos:frag_pos+frag_length]
frag_residues = prot.residues[frag_pos:frag_pos+frag_length]
ref_backbone = loop.BackboneList(frag_seq, frag_residues)
n_stem = prot.residues[frag_pos]
c_stem = prot.residues[frag_pos+frag_length-1]

# extract potential loops from fragment database based on geometry
frag_db = loop.LoadFragDB()
fragments = frag_db.SearchDB(n_stem, c_stem, frag_length)
print("Num. fragments found in FragDB: %d" % len(fragments))
# compare with reference
struct_db = loop.LoadStructureDB()
for i in range(len(fragments)):
    # get structure from structural database
    bb_list = struct_db.GetBackboneList(n_stem, c_stem,
                                        fragments[i], frag_seq)
    ca_rmsd = bb_list.CARMSD(ref_backbone, True)
    print("-> fragment %d has CA RMSD of %.3f" % (i, ca_rmsd))

# extract potential loops from fragment database based on sequence
fragger = loop.Fragger(frag_seq)
# for simplicity we just use a sequence similarity score
fragger.AddSeqSimParameters(1.0, seq.alg.BLOSUM62)
fragger.Fill(struct_db, 1.0, 5)
print("Num. fragments found in Fragger: %d" % len(fragger))
# compare fraggers with reference
for i in range(len(fragger)):
    ca_rmsd = fragger[i].CARMSD(ref_backbone, True)
    print("-> fragment %d has CA RMSD of %.3f" % (i, ca_rmsd))



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