Todo List
Global ChainView::GetResidueList () const
Residue list may be unordered. Is it the responsibility of the method building the view to have them ordered or is it our job?
Global Entity::PickAtom (const geom::Line3 &line, Real line_width=0.5)
honour object transformation
Global Entity::PickBond (const geom::Line3 &line, Real line_width=0.5)
honour object transformation
Global EntityVisitor::VisitBond (const BondHandle &b)
not implemented for views
Global EntityVisitor::VisitTorsion (const TorsionHandle &t)
Not implemented for views
Class Primitive
transparent primitives would require the gfx objects to be ordered back to front. This has to be properly implemented in the rendering system.
Class Quad
this class should be part of a more sophisticated polygon rendering class.
Global ResidueImpl::FindAtom (const String &aname) const
make the return type a AtomImplList, since there may be several atoms with the given name.