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1 """
2 Functions to calculate helix kinks: bend, face shift and wobbla angles
4 Author: Niklaus Johner
5 """
7 import os
8 import ost
10 def __FindProline(sele,proline):
11  if not sele.IsValid():
12  print 'selection is not valid'
13  raise RuntimeError
14  if proline==False:
15  proline=sele.Select('rname=PRO')
16  if not proline.GetResidueCount()==1:
17  print proline.GetResidueCount(),'prolines in the selection. One proline is needed'
18  raise RuntimeError
19  proline=proline.residues[0]
20  proline_ca=proline.FindAtom('CA')
21  if not proline_ca.IsValid():
22  print 'proline has no CA atom'
23  raise RuntimeError
24  return (proline,proline_ca)
25  proline.GetNumber().num
27 def __SelectPreAndPostProline(sele,proline_num):
28  pre_proline=sele.Select('rnum<'+str(proline_num))
29  post_proline=sele.Select('rnum>'+str(proline_num))
30  print 'pre-proline residues'
31  for res in pre_proline.residues:
32  print res
33  print 'post-proline residues'
34  for res in post_proline.residues:
35  print res
36  if pre_proline.GetResidueCount()<4 or post_proline.GetResidueCount()<4:
37  print 'pre and post proline helices should be at least 4 residues long, 7 for better stability'
38  raise RuntimeError
39  return (pre_proline,post_proline)
41 def __FindCa3AndCa4(sele,proline_ca,proline_num):
42  ca_3=sele.FindAtom(proline_ca.GetHandle().GetChain().GetName(),proline_num-3,'CA')
43  ca_4=sele.FindAtom(proline_ca.GetHandle().GetChain().GetName(),proline_num-4,'CA')
44  if not (ca_3.IsValid() and ca_4.IsValid()):
45  print 'CA not found in (i-4) or (i-3) residue'
46  raise RuntimeError
47  return (ca_3,ca_4)
50 def __CalculateBendAngle(pre_proline_axis,post_proline_axis):
51  return ost.geom.Angle(pre_proline_axis,post_proline_axis)
53 def __CalculateWobbleAngle(pre_proline_axis,post_proline_axis,post_proline_centers,proline_pos):
54  p1=proline_pos-post_proline_centers
55  n1=p1-ost.geom.Dot(p1,post_proline_axis)*post_proline_axis
56  p2=-pre_proline_axis
57  n2=p2-ost.geom.Dot(p2,post_proline_axis)*post_proline_axis
58  sign=ost.geom.Dot(ost.geom.Cross(pre_proline_axis,n2),n2-n1)
59  sign=sign/abs(sign)
60  return sign*ost.geom.Angle(n1,n2)
62 def __CalculateFaceShift(pre_proline_axis,post_proline_axis,pre_proline_centers,post_proline_centers,proline_pos,ca3_pos,ca4_pos,bend_angle):
63  p1=proline_pos-post_proline_centers
64  n1=p1-ost.geom.Dot(p1,post_proline_axis)*post_proline_axis
65  p2=(ca3_pos+ca4_pos)/2.0-pre_proline_centers
66  n2=p2-ost.geom.Dot(p2,pre_proline_axis)*pre_proline_axis
67  #Here we want to apply a rotation to n1, to align the post-proline axis on the pre-proline axis
68  R=ost.geom.AxisRotation(ost.geom.Cross(post_proline_axis,pre_proline_axis),bend_angle)
69  n1=R*n1
70  #We also need to determine the sign of the angle
71  sign=ost.geom.Dot(ost.geom.Cross(pre_proline_axis,n2),n2-n1)
72  sign=sign/abs(sign)
73  return sign*ost.geom.Angle(n1,n2)
76 def AnalyzeHelixKink(t,sele,proline=False):
77  """
78  This function calculates the bend,wobble and face-shift angles
79  in an alpha-helix over a trajectory. The determination is more stable if
80  there are at least 4 residues on each side (8 is even better) of the prolin around which
81  the helix is kinked. The selection should contain all residues in the correct
82  order and with no gaps and no missing C-alphas.
84  :param t: The trajectory to be analyzed
85  :type t: `~ost.mol.CoordGroup`
86  :param sele: A selection containing the alpha helix to be analyzed
87  :type sele: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView`
88  :param proline=False: A selection containing only the proline (or another residue) around
89  which the helix is kinked. If False, the proline will be serached for automatically
90  :type proline: :class:`ost.mol.EntityView`
92  :return: A tuple (bend_angle, face_shift, wobble_angle).
93  :rtype: (FloatList, FLoatList, FloatList)
94  """
95  n_frames=t.GetFrameCount()
96  (proline,proline_ca)=__FindProline(sele,proline)
97  proline_num=proline.GetNumber().num
98  (pre_proline,post_proline)=__SelectPreAndPostProline(sele,proline_num)
99  (ca_3,ca_4)=__FindCa3AndCa4(sele,proline_ca,proline_num)
100  #Here we extract the necessary information from the trajectory
101  pre_proline_axis=ost.geom.Vec3List()
102  post_proline_axis=ost.geom.Vec3List()
103  pre_proline_centers=ost.geom.Vec3List()
104  post_proline_centers=ost.geom.Vec3List()
105  ost.mol.alg.AnalyzeAlphaHelixAxis(t,pre_proline,pre_proline_axis,pre_proline_centers)
106  ost.mol.alg.AnalyzeAlphaHelixAxis(t,post_proline,post_proline_axis,post_proline_centers)
107  proline_pos=ost.mol.alg.AnalyzeAtomPos(t,proline_ca.GetHandle())
108  ca3_pos=ost.mol.alg.AnalyzeAtomPos(t,ca_3.GetHandle())
109  ca4_pos=ost.mol.alg.AnalyzeAtomPos(t,ca_4.GetHandle())
110  #Now we calculate the bend angle
111  bend_angle=[]
112  face_shift=[]
113  wobble_angle=[]
114  for i in range(n_frames):
115  bend_angle.append(__CalculateBendAngle(pre_proline_axis[i],post_proline_axis[i]))
116  face_shift.append(__CalculateFaceShift(pre_proline_axis[i],post_proline_axis[i],pre_proline_centers[i],post_proline_centers[i],proline_pos[i],ca3_pos[i],ca4_pos[i],bend_angle[i]))
117  wobble_angle.append(__CalculateWobbleAngle(pre_proline_axis[i],post_proline_axis[i],post_proline_centers[i],proline_pos[i]))
118  return (bend_angle,face_shift,wobble_angle)
121 def CalculateHelixKink(sele,proline=False):
122  """
123  This function calculates the bend,wobble and face-shift angles
124  in an alpha-helix of an EntityView. The determination is more stable if
125  there are at least 4 residues on each side (8 is even better) of the prolin around which
126  the helix is kinked. The selection should contain all residues in the correct
127  order and with no gaps and no missing C-alphas.
129  :param sele: A selection containing the alpha helix to be analyzed
130  :type sele: :class:`~ost.mol.EntityView`
131  :param proline=False: A selection containing only the proline (or another residue) around
132  which the helix is kinked. If False, the proline will be serached for automatically
133  :type proline: :class:`ost.mol.EntityView`
135  :return: A tuple (bend_angle, face_shift, wobble_angle).
136  :rtype: (float, float, float)
137  """
138  (proline,proline_ca)=__FindProline(sele,proline)
139  proline_num=proline.GetNumber().num
140  (pre_proline,post_proline)=__SelectPreAndPostProline(sele,proline_num)
141  (ca_3,ca_4)=__FindCa3AndCa4(sele,proline_ca,proline_num)
142  #Here we extract the necessary information from the structure
143  pre_proline_axis=ost.mol.alg.structure_analysis.CalculateHelixAxis(pre_proline)
144  post_proline_axis=ost.mol.alg.structure_analysis.CalculateHelixAxis(post_proline)
145  prepa=pre_proline_axis.GetDirection()
146  prepc=pre_proline_axis.GetOrigin()
147  postpa=post_proline_axis.GetDirection()
148  postpc=post_proline_axis.GetOrigin()
149  #calculate the angles
150  bend=__CalculateBendAngle(prepa,postpa)
151  wobble=__CalculateWobbleAngle(prepa,postpa,postpc,proline_ca.pos)
152  shift=__CalculateFaceShift(prepa,postpa,prepc,postpc,proline_ca.pos,ca_3.pos,ca_4.pos,bend)
153  return (bend,shift,wobble)